Stories from Lightport, MassachusettsMore stories from your favorite characters in The Front Row Series
Stories from Lightport, MassachusettsMore stories from your favorite characters in The Front Row Series
Good afternoon! Today instead of a story from Lightport, I’m answering your questions! Thank you to everyone who submitted them on social media. Without further ado, let’s get going:
Question #1: When will the next book be coming out? The next book will be released this November, 2020. As it gets closer, I’ll be announcing an exact release date, a book launch, and some other fun stuff to get everyone pumped up! Speaking of which . . . Question #2: Is there a cover yet? Not yet. However, I will have a cover reveal here on my website when we get closer to the release date. BuzBooks, who did the cover for What Hindered Love, will be doing the cover for this book as well. I know they will do an amazing job, and I’m just as excited as you (maybe more!) to see it. Question #3: Who is the next book about? Will we see the same characters from the first book or will it be a new cast? This book is about Kate, Chloe’s cousin, and Josiah, Micah’s brother. So yes, you will see the same characters that you saw in book one. There are some new characters, however, including some of Kate’s high school friends and some “villains” (kind of like Scott Casey in book one - only worse). Question #4: When is the new book set? After the first book? Before? Way in the future? At the same time? Like the last book, this one will be set in two timelines. You’ll get to see the characters of Lightport back in high school, and you’ll also see what was happening with Kate and Josiah as Chloe and Micah were having their romance Question #5: What is the next book about? The last book followed Chloe Wren, who had never been to church before, as she went on a journey of faith and romance. This book is about Kate Anderson, who was raised in church, going on her own unique journey of faith and romance. The theme in the first book was redemption and restoration. The theme of this one is allowing ourselves to be fully known and the power that secrets can hold over us. In this next book, Kate and Josiah keep secrets, and the story follows the consequences of those secrets. I’ll warn you - it’s a tear jerker! You’ll need to have tissues handy. Question #6: Will there ever be a story about Ally? I am so intrigued by her character! Ally has been somewhat of a surprise for me as a writer! I never intended her to be a very important character, but she’s taken on a life of her own. You’ll be happy to know that she features more heavily in book two than she did in book one. I wasn’t planning on giving her a book of her own, but a few weeks ago, an idea came to me, and I started scribbling it down. Now I can say that yes, there will be a story about Ally. She will get her own happily ever after! SPOILER ALERT: SKIP DOWN TO QUESTION 7 IF YOU DON’T WANT A SPOILER! Remember, this series is called The Front Row Series, referring to the women who sit on the front row at church. So . . . what does this mean for Ally? Question #7: What’s something that motivates you when you get writer’s block and can’t think of what to do next? Great question because writer’s block definitely happens to everyone! First of all, before I even start writing, I make an outline so I know where I’m going with the story. I tend to write chronologically, meaning that I write in the same order it happens in the book. This helps a lot because I don’t have to figure out where I’m going next - I at least already know that part. The first thing I do to combat writer’s block is just to make myself start writing, even if it’s just a piece of dialogue or a small phrase. If that doesn’t work, I’ll skip forward in the outline and work on another part of the story that’s inspiring me more. If THAT doesn’t work, I’ll do research on something I need to know more about. “Research” can sometimes be a distraction or a way to procrastinate, but it can also help get the creative juices flowing. For book two, I had fun researching late 90s hip hop music, early 2000s wedding trends, the juvenile justice system in Massachusetts, medically induced comas, and a lot of other things. The wedding research especially got me out of a writing slump! Whose wedding you ask? Well, I won’t say, but there could be more than one . . . Thank you all once again for these fantastic questions! I can’t wait for you all to read the next book in The Front Row Series.
Melanie TillmanI am a former English teacher turned homeschool mom of three who writes Christian romance novels on the side. You know, in my huge amount of spare time. Archives
November 2022